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  • Do I have to use Brightwheel?
    Yes, everyone signed up with Kids Camp Landrum is responsible for also registering with Brightwheel. We will send out important information through the Brightwheel Messages. All payments, as well as check in and check out is also done through Brightwheel. We highly recommend downloading the Brightwheel App.
  • Do I have to be signed up for auto-pay?
    Yes, all of our contracts require all families to be signed up for autopay. For questions regarding payments, please email
  • Do I have to pay full price if my camper misses one or multiple days during the week?
    Yes, weekly tuition is still required. We do not offer a daily rate. However, if your camper misses an entire week due to illness or unforeseen issues, you can email and use a vacation week if you have some available within your contract.
  • Are camp shirts required for field trips?
    Yes, camp shirts are required for safety purposes on all field trips during the summer and full day camps. The first shirt is included with registration and additional shirts can be purchased for $10. Camp shirts can be purchased from the front desk.
  • Are you open on school holidays?
    We are open for most school holidays and teacher workdays. We require a 15 camper minimum for teacher work days and school holidays to open. If you have a question about a specific holiday you can contact your site's director.
  • Do you have structured homework time during After-School Camp?
    Yes, we schedule one hour for the students to do their homework. Our counselors work to help get homework completed neatly and correctly. With a variety of homework assignments in a variety of schools, we encourage parents to give the site a weekly schedule of their camper’s assignments and encourage open communication regarding homework.

We are located at 300 E Rutherford St, Landrum, SC 29356

at First Baptist Landrum

Contact Us Today!

  • Kids Club Landrum
  • Kids Club Landrum

Kids Camp Landrum is a Camp in the Box Partner

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